Greek Village Salad

Last weekend, our family friends Leanne and Per came to visit us. They told us that since August, they have been making this Greek village salad (also known as horiatiki) for every dinner. One night, Per made it for us and it was incredible. The cucumbers and tomatoes make the salad very fresh and the olives add a nice salty flavor. I can definitely see why they make it every night. We probably won't be having it at every dinner like them, but we will certainly make it again. 

Greek Village Salad


2 cucumbers diced

1 box of cocktail tomatoes, cut into quarts

1 cup kalamata olives

1/2 cup red onion, very thinly sliced

1/2 cup olive oil

1 tbsp. red vinegar

1 tbsp. lemon juice (half a fresh lemon)

1 tsp. oregano powder

1 tsp. garlic powder

Optional 1/2 cup feta cheese


In a medium bowl, add the cucumbers, tomatoes, olives, and onions. In a separate bowl or in a shaker, add the olive oil, red vinegar, lemon juice, oregano powder, and garlic powder and shake and mix together. Pour all the dressing over the cucumber mix and softly stir to combine. Serve and eat immediately, so the salad stays fresh. 


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