About the Author

Hello, there! I see you have found my About page. Let me tell you about myself. 

My name is Sarah and I love to cook, bake, and share my opinion on everything especially food. These characteristics are great in general but are perfect for writing a food blog. One dilemma with writing a food blog is that my writing skills are not the best considering I am 14. Hopefully, as I become more experienced in both cooking and writing, you will see my skills improve. 
In this blog, I review homemade meals, share recipes, and sometimes review restaurant food. If you make any of the recipes at home, I would love to see how it turned out. You can either comment on the post or send me a picture of what you made. You can contact me by going to the sidebar and filling out the contact me form. 

I really hope you continue to investigate my blog and that you enjoy exploring food with me. 


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