White Chocolate Party Mix

This recipe is also from my grandma. She made this one while I was at school, so I couldn't help out. I did get to enjoy the result and it tastes so good. You just want to keep eating it because it tastes that good. This mix is good for gift giving and snacking. I hope you enjoy it!

White Chocolate Party Mix

Makes 2 cookie sheets worth of mix


10 oz. mini pretzels

5 cups of cheerios

5 cups of corn Chex

2 cups salted peanuts

1 lb M&Ms

24 oz. white chocolate chips

2 tbsp vegetable oil


Combine the first 5 ingredients and set them aside. Heat white chocolate chips with vegetable oil until smooth and melted, on the microwave or the stove. Pour chocolate over the dry ingredients and mix well. Spread mixture on wax or parchment paper, lined on a cookie sheet. Cool for about 1 hour and then break apart and store in an airtight container.


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