Review: Mercado Little Spain

Firstly, I know it has been a while since I last posted. I have been busy with school and some family stuff. Anyway, last weekend, my mom and I went to New York City to see To Kill a Mockingbird on Broadway. It was amazing. The acting was phenomenal and the cast portrayed the characters with so much emotion and if you know the story, they included witty remarks to make the intense topic lighter. 

Going back to food, we ate at Mercado Little Spain. It is a José Andrés Spanish market with multiple restaurants inside. We dined at the Spanish Diner. The market is under the start of the High Line, a garden and walking path that used to be elevated train tracks. It is the perfect combination, fantastic food and a beautiful walk after. If you are ever in NYC, I strongly suggest dining at Mercado's Spanish Diner.  

Mercado Spanish Diner
Address: 10 Hudson Yards New York, NY 10001
Phone #: 646-495-1242

For our main course, my mom and I split two dishes that were incredible; Canelones gratinados con foie and Pollo guisado con arroz. 

Canelones gratinados con foie is a baked pasta dish with meat (chicken, pork, and duck) stuffed inside with béchamel sauce (fancy cream sauce) and cheese. 

Pollo guisado con arroz is chicken cooked in onions and sherry sauce served with rice. 

To drink, I had Kas Naranja. Kas is a Spanish soda brand that gets imported from Spain and you can get many different flavors, but I had orange. My mom had a glass of Sangría Roja and she says it was really good. I am just going to have to trust her on that. 

For dessert, we shared churros that came with chocolate for dipping. The churros were warm and freshly fried. They were crisp and the chocolate was really rich. 


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